
There's a problem that there are too many problems.

Is it possible that there are no problems. That we as humans create problems, and then try to solve ourselves out of the mess we just made.

I keep hearing designers talking about solving problems. There's a problem with the way chairs are made. spoons just don't work quite right, there is a problem with the way communication, phones, the internet, talking with your buddies work. There is a problem with making the world work in a more harmonious way. There seem to be millions of problems people are trying to solve everyday, and when those get solved, there are millions more that show up the next day to be fixed.

What exactly is a problem? What makes it a problem? and why does this problem need to be fixed?
Better yet, here's an idea that I recently got exposed to...

There are no problems.

Wha? Come again? What do you mean there are no problems?

That's the idea.

Is it possible that there is nothing to be fixed, changed, corrected, modified, adjusted, recreated or solved? Is all of this our own making? Do we as human beings use our minds to create problems that are not really there, only for us to have something to do because we're not hunting down a wild boar dinner anymore?

If there were no challenges, nothing to fix, nothing to improve or change, would life just be boring? Maybe if we knew there were no problems, that's we create them all and just need something fun to do in life, that would better?

Oh right, I'm trying to create a problem here aren't I?

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