
Been a proactive month

You know what they say about too many irons in the fire.

I suppose it doesn't really mean anything, after all, in a fire, all the irons get hot right?

Have called lots of local companies for production work, we've done some great pre-production for AirOne Flight Academy. However, it appears we'll have to postpone the project until srping, but it's going to be incredibly cool and the client wants to get it done right, just like I do.

Also, been working on numerous screenplay ideas and are developing those into products of value for myself to direct. Creating something of value for the masses is an interesting process. Certainly packaging entertainment can't only be about yourself, because eventually millions of people can come on board that project if it's done right - to entertain.
We have one hot property that Kim and I are sending out to LA. I'll let you know what happens.

All I Hear is Crabcakes! is almost finished. I'm going to sample it around to see what all you friends think. It's been a fun 60 second project for the Trail Dance Film Fest Competition. Putting a complete story in that short time span is a challenge, I can't wait to share it with you guys here, but it may not be until after it premieres at the festival at the end of January.

Video games are too damn fun and they seem to interfere with my creativity and output, so Steam was uninstalled the other night. No more team fortress for six-eight hours a night. Or any other games for that matter. I'd love to kick up some WoW right now and go raiding. Ah well, back to work.

Remember, take risks and live life to the fullest.